Bedroom decoration

Tips For Creating A Cozy, Romantic Space For Sleep

Lights out! It’s time to get some shut-eye. Bedtime is the best time of day, when all your problems seem to melt away and you can rest up until you’re refreshed enough to tackle them again tomorrow. 


But, uh oh! You just remembered that it’s been a long day, and after weeks of working overtime at the office or dealing with family drama on your own, you’re really feeling stressed out. You need a break!


And that’s where lighting comes in. The right lighting can make you feel so much better, almost instantly. It can help you relax, calm down and get into a more restful state of mind. 


And, because it’s one of the first things you see when you wake up in the morning, a well-lit bedroom also has an effect on how good you feel when you’re starting your day. It really is that important!

So, what are some ways you can use lighting to get your body and mind into the kind of rich, relaxing state of mind you need to go to sleep? 

We have some great tips to share with you – plus a few cool products that will help, too. Read on to discover a world of comfort and relaxation.


Blow out the candles and turn off all the lights! Avoid overhead lights, especially in the bedroom. Overhead lighting creates shadows and glare, which can make it hard for you to relax and fall asleep. Instead, use lamps near the bed where you can control the light.


Keep in mind that direct overhead lighting is usually not a good idea in any room of your house. This is because if you are looking up at the light source, it is likely to glint off your eyes – like glare when you look into the sun.


Use a dimmer. If you are going to use overhead lighting in your bedroom, make sure that you can control it with a dimmer switch. 


Having the ability to adjust the intensity of light sources around the house is an outstanding way to create a cozy, romantic space for sleep and it can help you transition from your waking hours into a restful state of mind.


Use a red light. Red light is known to be the color that helps people relax faster and makes it easier for them to fall asleep, as well as not sleep as deeply.


 It has been used in a number of studies to help people focus on a task and relieve tension, so this type of lighting can really help you drift off to sleep more quickly.


Avoid using blue light before bedtime. Blue light can make it harder for you to fall asleep because your brain produces more melatonin after exposure to blue light. 


Reduce exposure to blue lights, especially right before bed. Examples include lights that come on automatically when you turn on your television or even any lights that mimic having a night-light in your room.


Reduce noise and light in the area near bedtime. Noise and light can stimulate your brain and make it harder for you to fall asleep or maintain a deep sleep. Remove or reduce any distracting sounds from the area so that you can rest in a peaceful state of mind.


Use white noise to help you fall asleep. White noise helps reduce stress and anxiety when used as part of an effective sleep routine. 


If you’re using white noise to get yourself into a restful state of mind before bed, make sure it is something that isn’t too loud, as you can’t control the decibel level and it has the potential to disturb your roommates.


Exposure to light can have a significant effect on sleep patterns, melatonin levels and the ability to fall asleep. It’s important that you adapt your lighting in order to fall asleep and have an uninterrupted night’s rest. So, keep these tips in mind when it comes time to get ready for bed each night.


And one of the best things about using lighting as part of your nightly routine is that it only takes a few minutes, which makes it easy and convenient to incorporate into your daily life. For example, if you turn down the lights in your living room or bedroom when you’re ready for bed, that’s an easy way to create a romantic, cozy atmosphere for sleep.


And lighting products such as the Dreamlight can make your bedroom into a soothing and restful place to fall asleep.